

PAMA S.p.A. has been in the machine tool market for 90 years and has a wealth of experience and enviable know-how in boring machines and milling centers.

PAMA S.p.A. operates globally: its main markets are Asia, the Americas, Europe and Italy, all of which are extensively backed by a network of sales and support structures.


PAMA has established itself on a worldwide level resulting from the tradition and technological excellence of its products that, as of today, comprise a wide range of machine tools:

PAMA S.p.A. has three modern production sites with cutting-edge infrastructure, two of which are at PAMA Italy in Rovereto and Brescia, and one is at PAMA China in Shanghai (dedicated to the local market).


PAMA S.p.A. has an integrated company structure for the design, development and production of its products:

  • its technical offices are staffed by a highly qualified team with considerable experience in developing all components of the product
  • the mechanical machining of all the main structures is performed in-house using PAMA boring and milling machines and machining centres
  • assembly activities are organised into specialised areas dedicated to the assembly of functionally complete modules; after careful tests, the various machine units are sent to the final assembly areas


All the industrial processes are defined, planned and contiguously optimised within the scope of an improvement project.

Continuous quality checks are performed during the various machining stages to guarantee high precision and reliability standards.



Following the entry into force of Italian Leg. Decree 8 June 2001, no. 231, which introduced a system of corporate “administrative responsibility” in the pursuit of conducting company business based on the values of efficiency, correctness and loyalty, PAMA S.p.A. has adapted its organisation, management and control models to the requirements of this legislation.

The process of adapting the organisational models was carried out in consideration of the mandates of Italian Leg. Decree 231/01 and as amended, of the related guidelines prepared by Confindustria as well as the specific initiatives already implemented by PAMA S.p.A. in terms of management and control.

The organisational, management and control model pursuant to Italian Leg. Decree 231/01 was approved by PAMA S.p.A.’s Board of Directors with a resolution on 24 July 2012 and is subject to a regular analysis process based on the new types of offences and legal guidelines, a continuous check of the functionality and efficiency of the organisational model and, as a result, an updating process



PAMA S.p.A. has adopted a reporting system that provides also for the anonymous submission of reports, ensuring the confidentiality of the reporter’s identity and protecting them from all forms of retaliation or discrimination, implementing Italian Law no. 179/2017 (‘whistleblowing’ law) and Legislative Decree no. 24 of 10 March 2023 (Implementation of EU Directive 2019/1937 of the European Parliament of the Council concerning the protection of persons reporting violations of Union law).

To view the internal reporting management procedure, click HERE.


To view the privacy policy and to submit a report, click HERE


ISO 9001 : 2015

Autorizzazione AEO